高知いいとこ– tag –
English edition
Last night, while I was doing the dishes for dinner, I noticed Fionn talking to himself, muttering and drawing something. Turns out, it was this! "Terminator... -
昨日の夜、わたしが夕食の洗い物している時にずっとあーでもないこーでもないって独り言を言いながら何か描いてるなぁと思ったらこちらでした! 『ターミネーター』笑 ... -
English edition
Kindy Festival
Today, our kindergarten's annual evening festival, which used to be in scorching July, was moved to autumn starting last year. Even though the weather wasn't... -
普段はめちゃめちゃ暑くてムシムシの7月にある幼稚園の夕涼み会が去年から秋に移動。 今日も決して涼しいという気候ではなかったけど、7月よりも過ごしやすくて途中雨... -
English edition
Fire Fighting Experience
Our kindergarten is known for its numerous events, and it gets even busier in the senior kindergarten year. It sometimes feels like there's something happeni... -
消防署見学 ~四万十消防署~
うちの幼稚園は基本的にめちゃめちゃ行事が多いの。 それが年長さんになると更にパワーアップしてなんだったら毎週何かある感じ。 だって先週だって敬老の日の出し物あ... -
English edition
Mikey in Kochi DAY4 ~last day
It was Sunday, but we woke up early and gathered at Hachiman Shrine at 8:30 AM for the taiko drum performance. Despite being late September, it was unusually... -
English edition
Mikey in Kochi DAY3
On the previous night, some of the regular members of Eme-chan's Boys' Night dropped by unexpectedly. They left around 1 AM, but then it turned into a drinki... -
English edition
Mikey in Kochi DAY2
On the second day, which was a Friday, Fionn had a special event at his kindergarten in the morning called "Grandparents' Day," in honor of Respect for the A... -
English edition
Mikey is in Kochi!!!!
Going back 21 years, during the time when I was personally learning English (mostly through casual conversations over tea), there was a Hawaiian boy named La...