高知– tag –
English edition
29 class test day
So the last week of every month is test day for Fionn's swimming school. Actually, next week is the last Tuesday of this month, but the fifth week is a day o... -
フィオンのスイミングスクールは毎月最終週がテストの日なのね。 実際は来週が今月の火曜最終週だけど、5週目はお休みなので今日でした!! いつも実力以上になんにでも... -
English edition
Lovely Vessels by Takaharu Katada
I don't remember how I came to know of his existence, but I had been following him on Instagram and thought his pottery was wonderful. I had always wanted to... -
どうやって存在を知ったのかは記憶にないけれど、 ずっとインスタでフォローをしていて素敵だなぁと思っていた高知県在住の陶工 堅田貴治さんの器たち。その中でも貫入... -
English edition
This was actually the second time this week!
I was with Taki-chan yesterday at the Riumi Shouten, and we actually went there on Tuesday on our way back from the Kamochinoyado Inn. We don't often come to... -
昨日たきちゃんと一緒に行っていたとりうみ商店、実は火曜の加持ノ宿帰りに行ってたのよね。 あまり黒潮町まで家族でランチに来ることがないから、いいチャンス!と思っ... -
English edition
Yuki Udon
Today, I went to Toriumi Shoten to have my first "Yuki Udon" with Taki-chan, a local freind who I had been talking about having lunch with for a long time, b... -
ゆうきうどん ~とりうみ商店~
今日はずーっとランチしよう!ランチしよう!って言っていて実現していなかった地元の先輩たきちゃんとわたしお初の「ゆうきうどん」を食べにとりうみ商店に行ったよ!... -
English edition
Sleepover at the Kamochino Inn!
It's been about a year since we had a family sleepover at the Christmas party here last year! This time we're having a catch-up party with Kento, the owner, ... -
家族でお泊りするのは去年ここでみんなでお泊りクリスマス会をした時以来だから1年ぶりくらいだね! 今回はオーナーのケントとそこで一緒に働いている親友のアカネちゃ...