Eveing Picnic
(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT) It was unbelievably sunny and hot, as if the typhoon from yesterday was just a lie! Around my place,... -
昨日の台風がウソみたいにめちゃめちゃ晴れて暑かったね! うちのまわりはただ雨がよく降ったなぁってくらいだったけど、少し奥の方や低い土地は浸かって大変だったみた... -
Long-established coffee shop Seagull
(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT) Today, we finally went to the restaurant we had been saying “Let’s go!” to for a long, long time! Th... -
老舗喫茶店 シーガル
今日はずっとずっとずっと『行こうね!』って約束していたごはん屋さんにやっと行ってきたよ! メンバーが妹のゆなちゃんと、わかまつの若女将ちあきちゃんだったからス... -
Shimanto Town Exploration
(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT) So, a while back, I wanted to go to this shop called "Enro" and I made a plan to go to Shimanto Town... -
少し前になるけど、この『遠路』っていうお店に行きたくって四万十町に用事を作ってその用事ついでに行って来たよ! わたしが住んでいるのは四万十市で、ここは四万十町... -
Sunday Taco and Movie
(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT) I had tacos for dinner after such a long time! We were actually planning to have them last week, but... -
Sunday Taco and Movie
めちゃめちゃ久しぶりにタコスでディナーをしたよ! 本当は先週する予定だったけど、トルティーヤ買いにいったらなかったからイタリアンになったのよね。 だから今回は... -
Progress & Lunch
(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT) Yesterday (the day after being discharged), every time I lay down on the bed or leaned on the sofa, ... -