四万十市– tag –
Haircut (English)
This day always comes out of the blue. It's a day when my hair grows and I can't set it. Until then, I could live day to day without thinking about it, but a... -
どうしてもどうしてもどうしても、お庭がある開放的なお家に住みたくてもう狂いそう。 今のお家はトータルきっと100m²ちかくあるけっこう広いお家なんだけど (3階は共... -
いつもその日は突然来るのよね、髪が伸びちゃってどうにもセットでまとまらないって日。 それまではなんとも思わず普通に生活できるのに、その日以降は髪がいやでいやで... -
When I was having Netflix time with Emmet after Fionn went to bed, I really wanted to eat curry. It's not Japanese curry, it's Thai curry like this!!! Then, ... -
さっきフィオンが寝た後にエメちゃんとNetflixタイムしてるとき無性にカレーが食べたくなったの 日本のカレーじゃなくって、こういうタイカレーね!!! そしたら2年前... -
Open day (English)
Last week, there was Fionn's open day at his kindy. It's been a while since an open day because corona increased last month. I love open day!!! I don't think... -
Happy Father’s Day (Englsih)
Sunday was Father's Day, but Emmet had a karate test from 6 p.m. So we waited until it was over and started dinner at 9 p.m. when he was really ready! I aske... -
先週だけどフィオンくんの参観日がありました。 先月はコロナが増えちゃって中止になったからひさしぶり、わたしは参観が大好き!!! 幼稚園くらいの子って親が来てい... -
Happy Father’s Day!!
昨日は父の日だったけど、夕方6時からエメちゃんは空手の昇級試験があったから 終わるの待って、シャワーもぜーんぶすませて万全になった夜9時からスタート! 土曜にや... -
Local popular restaurant Mihoki
On Friday, I went out for dinner with my third sister, Yuna at Mihoki restaurant. I have been there many times, but this is Yuna's first time. She kept sayin...