japanlilfe– tag –
前回のブログで書いたやつね!フィオンくんお泊り会に行ったので夫婦2人の時間ができたのーーー!いぇー―――い!!ぜーんぜん手のかからない子だけど、いるとやっぱり気... -
“Overnight stay”
Last Friday was the annual event for the nursery's year-one kids before summer vacation – the "overnight stay" at the kindergarten. Since the children starte... -
先週金曜は年中さん夏休み前の恒例行事、幼稚園の『お泊り会』でした。 午後からの登園だったから、ランチは好きなものにしていいよ!って言ったら『マック!!!』そう... -
Watermelon seeds
Exactly a week ago, last Thursday, Fionn brought back watermelon seeds in a plastic bag from kindergarten. When I asked, "What are these for?" he said, "I wa... -
ちょうど1週間前、先週の木曜日フィオンが幼稚園からビニール袋に入れてスイカの種を持って帰りました。「これなーに?」って聞いたら、「お家でスイカを育てて見たか... -
River Pool day!
During this three-day weekend, the weather was amazing and hot every day! The Butler family spent Saturday relaxing at home, went to the river on Sunday, and... -
この3連休みごとに毎日お天気めちゃめちゃ良くて暑かったねぇ~! バトラー家は土曜はお家でのんびり、日曜は川へ、海の日の今日はビーチに行ってきたよ。 昨日行った... -
Almond fish tiny cafe
I went to a super tiny café called "Alomndo fish tiny cafe" just as the name suggests! I had been following its progress on Instagram, so I had been wanting ... -
Almond fish tiny cafe (アーモンドフィッシュ)
お店の名前が、「Alomndo fish tiny cafe」その名の通り超tiny(ちっちゃな)カフェに行ってきたよ! ここは出来あがっていく経過もインスタでずっと見ていたからいつか... -
I finally went to the indoor golf practice facility that Tomo-kun started in May, which I had been meaning to visit for a long time. After all, my younger si...