バイリンガル育児– tag –
English edition
winter is around the corner…
All of my friends in the Kanto are on my Insta story, saying; "It's cold!" "Winter is here!"" I need a down jacket!"” Hot pot today!" What's going on? I thou... -
関東のお友達がこぞってインスタのストーリーで 「寒い!」「もう冬!」「ダウンいる!」「今日は鍋!」なんてつぶやいてるからどうした?と思ったら 日中の気温12度だ... -
English edition
On the way home from Osaka yesterday, I asked the kids if they wanted to go somewhere and they said "COSTCO". So I checked and found an Amagasaki store about... -
昨日の大阪からの帰り道、こども達にどこか行きたい?って聞いたらCOSTCOって言うので 調べてみたら泊ってたホテルから10キロくらいのところに尼崎店があったの!だから... -
English edition
Universal Studio Again!
Monday morning turned out to be a beautiful day, just as the weather forecast predicted! The sun was shining even though it was already October, and it felt ... -
天気予報の予測通りとってもいいお天気で向かえた月曜の朝! もう10月なのに日射しがジリジリしていて思っていた涼しい秋の気候というより超残暑!って感じ。 前日には... -
English edition
Osaka trip!
Fionn has been looking forward to this trip to Osaka for a long time. This time it was a birthday trip for his cousins! Emmet couldn't come this time because... -
English edition
The wedding party anniversary I totally forgot!
In other countries, there are many people who have their actual wedding certificates signed on the day of their wedding. But we were legally married in March... -
海外では結婚式をあげた日にリーガルウェディングで入籍っていうパターンが多いから そういう感覚のお友達や家族には結婚式の後、何年かの間はパーティーをした9/27にア... -
English edition
It’s wonderful how things hold up!
I've been meaning to write a blog, but I've only been uploading photos, and there have been so many things I've been wanting to write about that I haven't be...