四万十市– tag –
English edition
I want to run fast!
This is not an issue that has just started, it's already from last year's Koinobori Sports Day. When Fionn was 2 or 3 years old at pre-school, he was by far ... -
これは今始まった課題ではないのよね、もう去年のこいのぼり運動会から。 2歳3歳のこども園時代はフィオンは4月産まれな上にめちゃめちゃでかかったから断然速かったん... -
English edition
Kick off meeting!!!
On Wednesday, I worked extremely hard and finished before the 3 o'clock pick-up time for Fionn. When I got home from pick-up, I dashed off to make dinner and... -
English edition
After a long absence, my family went out for the first time in Shimanto. We went to the newly renovated Yamasaki. Corona has been decreasing, and since the n... -
酒季 やまさき
おひさしぶりに家族で四万十の街におでかけ。行ってきたのは、新しくなった「酒季 やまさき」さん もうコロナもすっかり減ってきたし、昨日からは全国旅行支援キャンペ... -
English edition
Fun family home dinner
On Saturday night, after the kindergarten's fall festival, Emmet took us to the newly renovated Yamasaki for dinner. So in return, I cooked a house dinner on... -
English edition
Good memories!!
I opened up my YouTube to upload a video for my next blog and found a video that holds some memories for us! It's the one I made myself to play at our weddin... -
Throwback blog
次のブログ用にYouTubeにビデオアップしようと開いてみたら思い出のビデオ見つけたよ! 結婚式のパーティーの時に流すために、自分でせっせと作ったやつ。 さっきリビン... -
English edition
Autumn festival
The summer festival, normally held before the summer vacation, could not be held due to the construction of the new school building, so there was an autumn f... -
本来は夏休み前にある夏祭りが園舎を新しくしていて出来なかったので昨日秋祭りとしてあったよ! と一緒に、新園舎祝いもあったの! いつもは甚平着せているんだけど、...