国際結婚– tag –
English edition
Long-established coffee shop
If you take a look at this toasted sandwich and then glance at the egg sandwich behind it, anyone who recognizes where these items are on the café's menu mus... -
この焼きサンドを見てその後ろのたまごサンドを見てどこの喫茶店のメニューだかわかった人は中村ローカルだね!あえて、四万十とは言わず中村と言ったのはこのお店が中... -
English edition
2 days in a row
On Sunday, we went to the beach, where we had acquaintances and a beach house. It was so comfortable that we thought, "Let's come again during the summer vac... -
日曜に海に行って、知り合いがいたり海の家があったりしてなんだかとっても居心地がよくて「また夏休み中に来たいね!」なんて天気予報チェックしたら残りの8月晴れる... -
English edition
Ukitsu beach
I was planning to continue writing about the trip, but I'll share today's events first! Today, after a four-year hiatus, I went to Ukitsu Beach, where the be... -
旅行の続きを書こうと思ってたんだけど、今日の出来事さきに書くw 今日は4年ぶりに海の家も復活した浮鞭海水浴場にフィオンとニコミトと行って来たよ! ちなみに先頭... -
English edition
Family summer trip Day 1
From Tuesday, for three days, I went on a trip to neighboring Ehime Prefecture with the Butler family and my sister's family! It was so much fun~ Of course, ... -
夏休み家族旅行 Day1
火曜から3日間バトラー家と妹家族とでお隣の愛媛県に旅行に行っていたよ!楽しかったぁ~ もちろんどこに行くかも大切だけど、仲良し家族での旅行は気も使わなくていい... -
English edition
After 9 years!!
An old childhood friend from kindergarten, Junko, came to visit with her daughters all the way from Fukuoka! Junko and I have an incredible connection. We we... -
幼稚園からのおさななじみ、順子が福岡から娘ちゃんたちを連れて遊びにきてくれたよ! 順子とはすんごい縁があって、幼稚園小学校中学校と地元で一緒で、高校は学校は違...