livingshikoku– tag –
Masks for how long?
The photos I used have nothing to do with today's topic at all, but if I had to relate them... I tried to find photos of situations with as many people in th... -
使う写真と今日のトピックはぜんぜん関係ないんだけど、関連付けるとしたら なるべくたくさんの人が映っているシチュエーションの写真を探したよ! パースでは当たり前... -
Swimming school he was looking forward to!
Last week was the first day of kindy after our return to Japan, so Fionn took a day off from swimming because I was sure he would be tired. Just before it wa... -
先週は帰国した後はじめて登園した日だったから、きっと疲れているだろうとお休みしたスイミング。 何気なくはじまる時間の直前くらいに「今日はおやすみにしたからね!... -
Staying home all day because of Tyhoon
A record-breaking super typhoon No. 14 was coming, and it was still far away from the city. The wind was so strong that it shook our 3-story reinforced concr... -
なんだか記録的な超大型の台風14号が来ていてまだまだぜーんぜん遠くいたのに お昼くらいからたまに鉄筋3階建てのお家が揺れるくらい風がすごかった昨日。 土曜のうち... -
Fun Friday with my favorite boys!
Emmet asked me, "I know it's our first weekend back home and you want to relax, but I really want to have friends over to talk and have fun, so can we have d... -
エメちゃんから、「帰国してはじめての週末でゆっくりしたいのはわかっているんだけど どうしてもお友達を呼んで色々話して楽しみたいから金曜の夜お家で飲んでいい?」... -
Fionn Butler
Did you notice that? Yes, the small chocolate on top is "Fionn"! The big chocolate one on the bottom is "Butler"! Amazing, isn't it? His great-grandfather in... -
Fionn Butler
気づいたかな?そうなの、上にある小さなチョコレートの方は『Fionn』 下にある大きなチョコレートは『Butler』!すごいでしょw アイルランドのひいおじいちゃまが少し...