livingshikoku– tag –
昨日ブログで書くね!って言ってたやつ。 エメちゃんが興味があってひさしぶりに一緒に水族館に来た理由!!「ざまな!サメ展」 ちなみに、このタイトルの「ざまな!」... -
Family beach day
This is the third day of Fionn's summer vacation that started last Friday. This time, Emmet came to the beach with us, which is a rarity! The main purpose of... -
先週金曜からはじまったフィオンの夏休み3日目。 日曜は珍しくエメちゃんも一緒にビーチに行ったよ!かなりレアだよね。 この日の一番の目的はいつも行く水族館SATOUMI... -
Living country side
In the morning, Eme-chan's friend Alvin called me. He said, "I just went fishing and caught a lot of kampachi. Would you like some?" Of course! I'd love to h... -
朝、エメちゃんのお友達アルヴィンから電話で 「今釣りに行って来て、カンパチたくさん釣ったからいらない?」って、そりゃ頂きます。 朝3時にお家を出て早朝釣ってき... -
Summer Holiday DAY1
The weather forecast is only good for three days from today and through the weekend, and then it's not good at all. So I worked like crazy in the morning and... -
夏休み DAY1
天気予報では今日から週末の3日間だけお天気よくてあとはぜーんぜん良くないから 午前中めちゃめちゃ仕事集中してやって午後フィオンを連れてビーチに行ったよ! そう... -
Swimming school
Fionn loves to play in the ocean and the river, but actually he panics a little bit when he gets water on his face! If he accidentally gets water in his eyes... -
海や川で遊ぶのが大好きなフィオン、実はお顔にお水がかかると大パニックになるの シャワーでも間違えてお目目に入ったらもう大騒ぎ! だから幼稚園のプールがある日は... -
Only a month to go!
I thought I said a little over two months ago, but it's only a month until I go back to Australia! Surprise! So I've been preparing a little bit. Just when I...