Eveing Picnic

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(This is a blog translated into English using chat GPT)

It was unbelievably sunny and hot, as if the typhoon from yesterday was just a lie! Around my place, we only had a bit of rain, but it seems like the areas further in or at lower elevations got soaked and had a tough time.

Originally, we planned to take a bike ride to the park or somewhere in the afternoon. But when we stepped outside, it was scorching hot (it was over 30 degrees), so we quickly changed our plans to go out in the evening.

We thought that in the evening, the sun would be less intense, and we could relax a bit, so we decided to have a picnic at our favorite spot we haven’t been to in a while.

Everything we brought was just stuff we had at home: half-eaten oranges and apples from breakfast, leftover prosciutto from our Italian dinner, some leftover bread from Manimani-san that we bought on our way back from Thursday Curry, hummus and pickles we bought from the wholesale supermarket, and corn we got from a friend’s hometown tax contribution.

It was super easy because we just had to pack and bring everything, but being outside made it look cute and taste delicious. I really love picnics!

Oh, by the way, this hummus I found at the wholesale supermarket a couple of weeks ago was my first try. It turned out really good, and it’s convenient to have it for snacking with cheese and wine after a meal.

While we were setting up for the picnic, Matt-kun and Rina-chan, who we had contacted when we decided to have a picnic, arrived! Even though we invited them suddenly, it seems like Rina-chan and the others were also planning to go somewhere in the evening because it was too hot in the afternoon. They came at the perfect time!

Fionn was so excited that he hurried down the stairs to greet them as soon as he saw the car arriving. He thinks of Kaede-kun like a little brother, so it’s adorable to watch.

Oh, right! Matt-kun happened to make hummus right after I invited him, so he brought it with him. The freshly made hummus was definitely much tastier! And he also brought lots of vegetable sticks, so we ate a lot of vegetables. I learned the recipe, so I’m planning to try it myself soon.

Thanks to the Hall family joining us, it became lively all of a sudden. Eme-chan was happily talking with Matt-kun, and I had a great time catching up with Rina-chan! Planning and carrying out activities that are decided and done on the spot like this is great, but I really love getting together suddenly and having fun.

And as always, Kaede-kun is irresistibly cute! He’s almost six months old, but he’s growing rapidly, and he has so many expressions.

It’s soothing to watch Fionn, the big brother, diligently taking care of him and playing with him.

Being in such a beautiful place with lots of greenery and a view of the sea, enjoying it all to ourselves, these ordinary moments make me feel really happy. Having so many places like this within a 10-15 minute drive from home is truly one of the best things about living in the countryside.

Eme-chan got excited when he held the baby after a long time. It feels like just the other day that Fionn was this size, but they grow up so fast!

I thought it would be a bit cooler in the evening, but the direct sunlight was still quite hot until the end. But regardless, it was still bright even at around 7 o’clock, and we could play leisurely even when we met up after 4 o’clock. It was fun!




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Mummy & Graphic designer

I live in the beautiful prefecture of Kochi, Japan. I’m married to a cheeky Australian and we have an energetic young boy. I’m interested in family time and enjoying nature.



