Long time no drawing!
Lately it's all about the Games! Games! Games! When Fionn is not playing games, he is watching youtube, so he hasn't been drawing or anything. We have some r... -
Halloween decoration!
I'm the type of person who can't get ready early enough for these things every year. I looked back and checked and found that every year around this time, I ... -
最近もっぱらゲーム!ゲーム!ゲーム! ゲームをしてない時はyoutubeを見てるからぜんぜんお絵かきとかしてなかったの。 うちは多少の制限はしているけど、結構やらせて... -
毎年こういうのをはりきって早くから準備できないタイプ。 振り返ってチェックしてみたら毎年だいたいこれくらいの時期に「やっとやったよ!」って投稿していたよ。 は... -
Ahh Hawaii…
I've been running a few errands lately, and I've been getting a lot of opportunities to talk to my friends in Hawaii. And since Japan has started easing immi... -
あぁ ハワイ!
最近少し用事があってハワイのお友達と話す機会が多くなっているのと 日本がコロナ鎖国をやめたから「日本に遊びにいくよー!」って連絡がハワイのお友達からあったりで... -
Good season!
This past weekend, the weather was still very hot and sunny during the day, making me want to stay in the shade. But in the evenings, the weather was pleasan... -
この週末、昼間はまだまだ日差しが強くて暑くて影にいたくなるお天気だったけど 夕方近くなると少し涼しい風もふきだして快適な気候。 そう!ピクニックに最高な季節な... -
I want to run fast!
This is not an issue that has just started, it's already from last year's Koinobori Sports Day. When Fionn was 2 or 3 years old at pre-school, he was by far ... -
これは今始まった課題ではないのよね、もう去年のこいのぼり運動会から。 2歳3歳のこども園時代はフィオンは4月産まれな上にめちゃめちゃでかかったから断然速かったん...