Off to Kings park!!
Yesterday, I knew the weather forecast was going to be about 24-25 degrees, so I decided to go for a picnic at Kings park in the City, which I had been plann... -
昨日は天気予報で24~25度くらいになるってわかっていたから前から決めてたCityの中の Kings parkにピクニックしに行ってきたよ! まずはNanaお勧めのカフェによってコ... -
Day of Aquarium!
Yesterday, after dinner and some glasses of wine and a lot of talking with my father-in-law... I had no more time to write a blog and went to bed, so ... -
昨日は食事のあとワイン飲みながらお義父さんとたくさん話したりしてたら もうブログ書く時間なくなって寝ちゃったから、これは昨日の出来事! 相変わらずうちの旦那さ... -
Going out with mom in low
We had a different combination today, we split up! Emmet had promised to have lunch with Clint, a good friend from high school, and go to a movie. I went wit... -
今日は違う組み合わせで別行動したよ! エメちゃんが高校からの仲良しのClintとランチして映画に行く約束していたから わたしはフィオンとお義母さんとめちゃめちゃ大き... -
Separate Day
This morning, I woke up to the sound of Fionn's breathing, which was a little too fast, the wholeof his body was moving with breathing (around 5 am). I was s... -
Lunch at friend’s house!!
Every time we go back to Perth, they invite us to their house for BBQ and lunch! This time also we were invited to the home of Mike and Sheila, friends of Em... -
今朝はフィオンくんの体全体でゼーゼー早めの呼吸している音で目が覚めちゃったのよね(朝5時くらい) 気になって寝れなくなってたら7時くらいにフィオンが苦しいって息... -
Lunch at friend’s house
毎回パースに帰省するとお家に呼んでくれてBBQしてくれたり、ランチ用意してくれたりする エメちゃんのお友達マイク&シエラご夫婦のお家に今回も呼んでもらったよ! ...