Swimming school
Fionn loves to play in the ocean and the river, but actually he panics a little bit when he gets water on his face! If he accidentally gets water in his eyes... -
海や川で遊ぶのが大好きなフィオン、実はお顔にお水がかかると大パニックになるの シャワーでも間違えてお目目に入ったらもう大騒ぎ! だから幼稚園のプールがある日は... -
Only a month to go!
I thought I said a little over two months ago, but it's only a month until I go back to Australia! Surprise! So I've been preparing a little bit. Just when I... -
なんだかこの前、あと2ヶ月ちょっとって言ってた気がしたけどオーストラリア帰省まで あと1ヶ月になったよ!びっくり!!!ということで少しづつ準備。 ちょうどフィ... -
Crafts with Origami
Lately, I've noticed that Fionn seems to be quite enjoying himself when he's making something with origami. But instead of folding them, he cuts them and tap... -
最近おとなしくしてるなぁと思ったらおりがみを使って何かを作ってる時が多いの でも折って作るんじゃなくて、切ってテープで貼って作るタイプ。 今回は海の生き物をた... -
I like the river pool in the neighboring town of Kuroshio!
Yesterday, my sister Yuna-chan and I were talking about taking the kids to a river pool in a neighbouring town during the summer vacation at my parent's hous... -
Japanese customs and traditions
It seems that just five years ago today was the day we held Fionn's 100th day celebration. Facebook, which is very witty, reminded me again. In my case, Emme... -
隣町 黒潮町の河川プールがいい!
昨日実家でゆなちゃんと、夏休みの間に隣町の河川プールにこどもたち連れて行ってみよう!って話てたのね。 そしたら今日急にゆなちゃんから、『お友達が今行ってるから... -
ちょうど5年前の今日がフィオンくんの100日祝いのお食い初めをやった日だったようで 気が利くFacebookがまたお知らせしてくれたよ。 うちの場合は、エメちゃんが外国人...