子育て– tag –
English edition
Living country side
In the morning, Eme-chan's friend Alvin called me. He said, "I just went fishing and caught a lot of kampachi. Would you like some?" Of course! I'd love to h... -
朝、エメちゃんのお友達アルヴィンから電話で 「今釣りに行って来て、カンパチたくさん釣ったからいらない?」って、そりゃ頂きます。 朝3時にお家を出て早朝釣ってき... -
English edition
Summer Holiday DAY1
The weather forecast is only good for three days from today and through the weekend, and then it's not good at all. So I worked like crazy in the morning and... -
夏休み DAY1
天気予報では今日から週末の3日間だけお天気よくてあとはぜーんぜん良くないから 午前中めちゃめちゃ仕事集中してやって午後フィオンを連れてビーチに行ったよ! そう... -
English edition
Swimming school
Fionn loves to play in the ocean and the river, but actually he panics a little bit when he gets water on his face! If he accidentally gets water in his eyes... -
海や川で遊ぶのが大好きなフィオン、実はお顔にお水がかかると大パニックになるの シャワーでも間違えてお目目に入ったらもう大騒ぎ! だから幼稚園のプールがある日は... -
English edition
Only a month to go!
I thought I said a little over two months ago, but it's only a month until I go back to Australia! Surprise! So I've been preparing a little bit. Just when I... -
最近おとなしくしてるなぁと思ったらおりがみを使って何かを作ってる時が多いの でも折って作るんじゃなくて、切ってテープで貼って作るタイプ。 今回は海の生き物をた... -
English edition
I like the river pool in the neighboring town of Kuroshio!
Yesterday, my sister Yuna-chan and I were talking about taking the kids to a river pool in a neighbouring town during the summer vacation at my parent's hous... -
English edition
Japanese customs and traditions
It seems that just five years ago today was the day we held Fionn's 100th day celebration. Facebook, which is very witty, reminded me again. In my case, Emme...