Thai dinner night

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Emmet’s plan was to go out for dinner somewhere on Saturday.
The reason was that I had taken Emmet and Fionn to see a movie they wanted to see the day before, and he wanted to thank me for that and I could have some rest from cooking.

Isn’t my husband sweet! I wonder if my father ever went out to dinner with his family back then with that kind of idea.
I guess this is just another era, but it is true that many husbands today are really kind to their wives.

It was a long time ago, but my father looked at his daughter’s three sons-in-law and said sincerely
“Mari (my mother) would have been happy if her husband had been so kind like them.

It’s like the saying goes, “No regrets before the time to regret.
In my father’s case, my mother had passed away by then, so it was absolutely impossible for him to do anything more!
So if you read this and think you should be a little kinder to your partner, just do it!

So, in the end, I appreciated Emmet’s kind offer yesterday.
I would have much rather had a relaxing dinner at home than go out, so we changed it to a dinner at home.
I asked him “What would you like to eat if you are at home?” The answer was Thai food! So I made Thai food.

Curry can be made with just paste and coconut milk and some veges, and Yam Woon Sen is a vermicelli salad with fish sauce.
I also fried spring rolls and made edamame pepperoncino. All of them are pretty quick and easy to make.

I wasn’t really waiting for the right time, but about a week ago, I found this pineapple-printed plate.
I found a set of six 24cm pineapple patterned plates for much cheaper than usual.
I wanted platters because the ones I’m using at home right now are 21cm and a bit small, you know?

So I asked if I could buy them during dinner and Emmet said yes! So, I bought it right away…yay!
(I asked on purpose even though I could have bought it without asking.)
Now I’m looking forward to cooking Thai food again! This kind of motivation is important!





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Mummy & Graphic designer

I live in the beautiful prefecture of Kochi, Japan. I’m married to a cheeky Australian and we have an energetic young boy. I’m interested in family time and enjoying nature.



