バイリンガル育児– tag –
昨日ずーっと楽しみにしていたハロウィンパーティーやったよー! 色々考えていたのに最終的にはゾンビになったw フィオンがどうしてもスパイダーマンのコスチューム着... -
Preparations will start today!
Tomorrow we're finally having our niece and nephew over for a Halloween party at our house! I used to prepare only for the day of the party, but after I star... -
明日はいよいよ姪っ子ちゃん甥っ子くんを呼んでお家でハロウィンパーティーだよ! 前は当日だけの準備でやっていたけど、クッキーとか作りだして前日に多少やっておくと... -
Making books from my blog
I've been on AMEBA Blog since July 2009. I had been blogging on Mixi, which I don't even know how to log in to anymore, since even before that. I think I was... -
The advancement test
The last week of every month is the advancement test at the swimming school. For Fionn, it is the day when he may or may not get a badge to wear on his hat. ... -
わたし2009年の7月からアメブロをやっていたのね。 もっとさかのぼると、もうログインの仕方もわからないミクシィにもっと前からブログ的な文章を書いていたの。確か母... -
Kamochi no yado cafe and bar Hanare
Kento started last year a lodging facility called "Kamochi-no-yado" in a 130 year old renovated private house. My blog is always at the top of the search res... -
Kindy Sport day
The weather was sunny as predicted, but the temperature was much more comfortable than usual Sports day in September. Fionn, who hates to lose as always, did... -
Today in 2015 and 2017
The photo I received today via the notification feature is from 2017, 5 years ago today. Fionn is an angel! He's so cute!!! I know, I know, I know! Even Fio... -
毎月最終週にあるスイミングスクールの進級テスト。 フィオンにとっては帽子につけるバッジがもらえるかもらえないかの日。緊張感とは全くなし! もう着くよ~って振り...