地元大好き– tag –
English edition
Looking back blog!!
Emmet, who loves animals much more than humans, and dogs among all the animals. Influenced by Daddy, Fionn has loved dogs since he was a little little boy, a... -
人間よりもずっとずっと動物が大好きで、動物の中でも犬が大好きなエメちゃんと そんなダディーに影響されて小さい時からワンちゃん大好き、一番のお友達で家族のタロウ... -
English edition
See you soon Australia!!
In total, it took us 30 hours to get from Perth, Australia to Shimanto, Japan, and back yesterday (Sunday) ! Today is Monday and Emmet and I are starting wor... -
トータルすると30時間かけてオーストラリアのパースから日本の四万十市まで昨日帰ってきました! 今日は月曜でわたしとエメちゃんは普通に仕事スタートしています。 フ... -
English edition
My most favorite city Fremantle!
The day of my return is getting closer and closer. 3 weeks in Australia seems to have flown by faster than I thought! I wonder why even weekends don't come f... -
English edition
At last, tomorrow!
Our departure is tomorrow! I did an amazingly focused job yesterday and today! LOL! I was thinking of working over there in Oz as well, but I didn't want to,... -
出国が明日になりました! もうね、昨日今日は驚くくらい集中して仕事したよ!!笑 あっちでも仕事するスタンスではいるけど、やっぱり出来ればしたくないから出来る限... -
Preparing at a leisurely pace
I realized we are going to be in Australia in 3 days! Fionn just said we have to sleep two more times! I was a little panicked but it's three more days since... -
気づいたらあと3日でオーストラリア! っていうかさっきフィオンがあと2回寝んねだ!って言ってたから焦ったけど日曜発だから3日よね。 この最後の方の1日の違いって... -
English edition
Cleaning graves!
Obon is over in the blink of an eye, and for the first time in a long time, there were lots of people coming from out of town! It was the first Obon vacation...