livingjapan– tag –
English edition
Cleaning graves!
Obon is over in the blink of an eye, and for the first time in a long time, there were lots of people coming from out of town! It was the first Obon vacation... -
あっという間にお盆終わったね、たくさんの人が県外から来ていてひさしぶりに賑わっていたよ! 行動制限なくなってはじめてのお盆休み、なんだか昔に戻ったみたいでよか... -
English edition
Skin color
This was on a Sunday. Emmet usually doesn't go out with us, it's just a normal thing to do. I usually just say, "I'm going to the beach with Fionn," or "I'm ... -
これは日曜のこと、普段なら特に誘うこともなく当たり前のように 「フィオンと海行ってくるね~」とか「ちょっと川行ってくるね~」って言うんだけど この日は珍しくエ... -
English edition
Fireworks at the beach
On Monday nights, Emmet usually has karate practice and a high school English conversation class. But since karate is closed for the Obon holiday and the hig... -
月曜の夜は通常なら空手の練習があって、英会話高校生クラスがあるんだけど お盆で空手はお休み、そして高校生クラスはキャンセルになったので急遽黒潮町の花火に行くこ... -
English edition
This is us The final chapter
Last week, I noticed that the final season of This is Us has started in Japan. I've been watching it every night when I can, one episode at a time. Sometimes... -
楽しみにしていた、従姉妹みつかちゃんと妹ゆなちゃんとのランチは 最近できた「とりうみ商店」に行ってきたよ。 最近お友達がこぞって行っていて、みんなのSNS見ていた... -
English edition
The Awesomeness of DNA
I was getting ready for my trip to Perth a little bit today, as I did yesterday. Today, you see, the SIM unlocking I did on my own didn't seem to be working ... -
昨日に引き続き今日も少しだけパース行きの準備をしてたよ。 今日はね、自分でやったSIMロック解除が携帯上では繁栄されていないように見えたから そのチェックにソフト...