August 3 Hachimitsu day!!

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Yesterday, on August 3rd, a baby boy was born to my younger brother, Seina-kun!!! Congratulations!!! Such joyful news!!! Hooray! Hooray! I’m truly overjoyed!!!

He is the sixth grandchild of the Otsuka family. The elder daughter, the Butler family, has Fiona (boy). The second daughter, Ma-chan’s family, has Anoi (girl) and Irima (girl). The third daughter, Yuna-chan’s family, has Niko (girl) and Mito (boy). With the birth of this nephew, it’s now perfectly balanced with three boys and three girls!!

Here’s a picture of proud papa Seina-kun on the day after the baby was born!! So, it’s just one day old, the same as the baby photos of Seina-kun’s baby! It might be hard to tell, but they look so alike!!! DNA is truly amazing. Oh, I can’t wait to meet him.

This photo is from when he was three months old. Can babies get this chubby in just three months? Also, at that time, the mother was only 41 years old, younger than me now! Does she look a bit older? Haha. But just looking at this photo brings back the feel of her skin, the texture, the shape of her nails, the color of the nail polish she used to wear, her scent. It’s making me a bit teary.

This photo is from when he was about four months old. Rather than Seina’s appearance, all the sisters look so different. But even now, when I’m not wearing makeup, I look kind of like this! Haha.

And perhaps he was about a year old. Anyway, our parents were around 40 when he was born, so in many ways, they had a sense of calm, and since they looked forward to sorting out things for their later years, they took pictures every day. So, there are so many photos. And then there’s me, younger than I am now, with a father, Yuki-yann, in his 10s, and yet I look kind of older. When Seina-kun became a father, I looked back at old photos, and memories resurfaced, making me feel nostalgic and at the same time, incredibly moved by the fact that Seina, who was so small back then, is now a father. This photo of Seina is so much like Fiona! Haha.

Seina was present at the birth and saw Chinacchan, who was struggling during labor, feeling both pity and gratitude. When the baby was born, tears flowed, I heard. So, he spoke on the phone about not forgetting this experience, and how he’ll treasure and protect the two of them forever. That almost made me cry.

All four siblings of the Otsuka family are married and have children, and the family is growing larger, which makes me feel so happy. I’m so thankful to our parents who have given us so many brothers and sisters.

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Mummy & Graphic designer

I live in the beautiful prefecture of Kochi, Japan. I’m married to a cheeky Australian and we have an energetic young boy. I’m interested in family time and enjoying nature.



