今日フィオンくんと一緒に、お仕事の納品で柏島に行ったのでそのまま遊んだの! でもその写真がぜーんぜんないよ、だってiphone水没したんだもん。 だからこれは4年前に... -
Garden pool day
Today we went to my sister Yuna's yard pool, which she has invited us to several times before! The weather was so nice and it was so hot that we didn't even ... -
今日は前から何度か誘ってもらってた、妹のゆなちゃんのお家でのお庭プールに行ったよ! お天気めちゃめちゃ良すぎて、プールに入らない私たちはほんとやばいくらい暑か... -
Claustrophobia and Ryuga-cave
It's already August, and it came so fast! The photo that came up in the "What I did a year ago today" section was the one I didn't blog about last year! Last... -
なんだかあっという間に8月になったね! 1年前の今日こんな事してましたで出てきた写真は、去年ブログに書かなかったやつだった! 去年の8/1はアンパンマンミュージア... -
Thai dinner night
Emmet's plan was to go out for dinner somewhere on Saturday. The reason was that I had taken Emmet and Fionn to see a movie they wanted to see the day before... -
Thai Dinner
エメちゃんの予定では土曜はどこか外にごはんに行こうと決めていたみたい、 理由はわたしが前日エメとフィオンの希望の映画を見に付き合ってくれたから、そのお礼に楽し... -
And just like that
The show I wanted to watch on U-NEXT that I mentioned yesterday when I wrote about how I saw a movie theater for 500 yen is "And just like that", the sequel ... -
And just like that
昨日書いた、映画館を500円で観た裏技の時に言っていたU-NEXTで観たい番組っていうのが 「And just like that」 Sex and the city の続編のやつ!!! 決まった時から楽... -
Movie day!
Yesterday was the fifth Friday in July, and Emmet got a weekday off, so we had a movie day to look forward to! Emmet saw Jurassic World, which opened yesterd...