四万十市– tag –
昨日の朝早くにアイルランドのおじいちゃまが天国に行きました。 フィオンにとってはひいおじいちゃん。 ナナにとってはお父さんなので昨日の夜の便でナナは急遽アイル... -
English edition
Expensive Sushi train
Yesterday, Emmet's friends got together again and had a drink from noon! I, the "sweet" wife took him there! How many times have I done this since we came he... -
昨日はエメちゃんのお友達がまた集合してお昼から飲もうぜ!とういう集まりがあったので 優しい嫁、その場所まで送迎に行きましたよ!これもうこっちに来て何回やっただ... -
English edition
Relaxing days
After going to the city on Thursday to enjoy the warm weather, Friday and Saturday were cloudy and rainy. It's winter here, so I don't feel motivated to do a... -
木曜にシティーにいってぽかぽか陽気を楽しんであとの金曜と土曜は曇りと雨。 こっちは冬だから日差しがないとなんだかやる気もでないし、やることもないのよね。 とい... -
English edition
Off to Kings park!!
Yesterday, I knew the weather forecast was going to be about 24-25 degrees, so I decided to go for a picnic at Kings park in the City, which I had been plann... -
昨日は天気予報で24~25度くらいになるってわかっていたから前から決めてたCityの中の Kings parkにピクニックしに行ってきたよ! まずはNanaお勧めのカフェによってコ... -
English edition
Day of Aquarium!
Yesterday, after dinner and some glasses of wine and a lot of talking with my father-in-law... I had no more time to write a blog and went to bed, so ... -
English edition
Going out with mom in low
We had a different combination today, we split up! Emmet had promised to have lunch with Clint, a good friend from high school, and go to a movie. I went wit... -
今日は違う組み合わせで別行動したよ! エメちゃんが高校からの仲良しのClintとランチして映画に行く約束していたから わたしはフィオンとお義母さんとめちゃめちゃ大き...