家族大好き– tag –
English edition
August 5th
Last Saturday, August 5th, was my mom's memorial day. Every year on that day, we talk about how many years it has been since she passed away. On the morning ... -
先週の土曜、8月5日はお母さんの命日でした。毎年命日の日には、あれから何年だろう?って話すんだけど当日の朝の家族LINEで「もう18年だねぇ」って話したのよね。その... -
English edition
The weekend was a bit of a hassle with the ever-changing weather due to the influence of the typhoon, switching between rain, clouds, and a little bit of sun... -
なんとなーく台風の影響で雨降ったり曇ったりちょっと晴れ間見えたりの面倒なお天気だった週末。 おひさしぶりにフィオンの従姉妹のにこちゃんみと君がお泊りに来たよ!... -
English edition
August 3 Hachimitsu day!!
Yesterday, on August 3rd, a baby boy was born to my younger brother, Seina-kun!!! Congratulations!!! Such joyful news!!! Hooray! Hooray! I'm truly overjoyed!... -
8月3日 ハチミツの日!
昨日8/3に弟セイナくんのところに男の子が産まれました!!!!! おめでとう!!!めでたい!!!わーい!わーい!本当にめちゃめちゃうれしい!!! 大塚家としては6... -
English edition
Charged without permission!
Only people who have seen my Instagram stories would know, but a few days ago, Emmet suddenly showed me an email saying, "What's this email?" It was a paymen... -
インスタグラムのストーリー見てる人だけ知っているんだけど、数日前エメちゃんが急に「このメールなに?」って見せて来たメールがNintendoから課金のお知らせメールだ... -
English edition
August started! and Pool day!!
It's already August today! Last Friday, I took a little drive (although it's just about 50 minutes) and went to what we call "Sanpāru"! A friend mentioned i... -
Hello 8月!~サンパール~
今日から8月だって!もう今年も残すとこあと5ヶ月!って投稿見たけど、5ヶ月ってまぁまぁ長くない?笑 そのテンションなら「残すとこあと3日!」くらいじゃない?笑...