バイリンガル育児– tag –
Looong Jorney!!!
Well, the day to leave Japan has finally arrived! Just before we go, we stop by my parent's house. Bye bye dad for a while! Well, as usual, when I go to any ... -
At last, tomorrow!
Our departure is tomorrow! I did an amazingly focused job yesterday and today! LOL! I was thinking of working over there in Oz as well, but I didn't want to,... -
出国が明日になりました! もうね、昨日今日は驚くくらい集中して仕事したよ!!笑 あっちでも仕事するスタンスではいるけど、やっぱり出来ればしたくないから出来る限... -
Preparing at a leisurely pace
I realized we are going to be in Australia in 3 days! Fionn just said we have to sleep two more times! I was a little panicked but it's three more days since... -
気づいたらあと3日でオーストラリア! っていうかさっきフィオンがあと2回寝んねだ!って言ってたから焦ったけど日曜発だから3日よね。 この最後の方の1日の違いって... -
Cleaning graves!
Obon is over in the blink of an eye, and for the first time in a long time, there were lots of people coming from out of town! It was the first Obon vacation... -
あっという間にお盆終わったね、たくさんの人が県外から来ていてひさしぶりに賑わっていたよ! 行動制限なくなってはじめてのお盆休み、なんだか昔に戻ったみたいでよか... -
Skin color
This was on a Sunday. Emmet usually doesn't go out with us, it's just a normal thing to do. I usually just say, "I'm going to the beach with Fionn," or "I'm ... -
これは日曜のこと、普段なら特に誘うこともなく当たり前のように 「フィオンと海行ってくるね~」とか「ちょっと川行ってくるね~」って言うんだけど この日は珍しくエ... -
Fireworks at the beach
On Monday nights, Emmet usually has karate practice and a high school English conversation class. But since karate is closed for the Obon holiday and the hig...