shimantoriver– tag –
English edition
Picnic day!
As the weather forecast predicted, it got warmer and warmer before noon yesterday. We had a picnic at a nearby park with a view of the beach as planned. Eme-... -
天気予報の予告通り昨日はお昼前からどんどんあたたかくなって来たから 予定通り近くのビーチの見える公園にピクニックに行ってきたよ♪ エメちゃんの実家は海岸沿いにあ... -
English edition
Lilfe in Perth started!
It was late at night on a Monday night back when we arrived at the airport at around 12:30 a.m. I actually heard for the first time in my life during a fligh... -
さかのぼること月曜の深夜、空港に着いたのは夜中の12時半くらいだったけど 実は人生ではじめてフライト中に「お客様の中にドクターはいらっしゃいませんか?」っていう... -
English edition
Transit in Malaysia
I've spent so much time on the plane that I'm kind of losing track of time and days, but... I made it to Perth safe and sound at midnight last night (or, day... -
English edition
Looong Jorney!!!
Well, the day to leave Japan has finally arrived! Just before we go, we stop by my parent's house. Bye bye dad for a while! Well, as usual, when I go to any ... -
English edition
At last, tomorrow!
Our departure is tomorrow! I did an amazingly focused job yesterday and today! LOL! I was thinking of working over there in Oz as well, but I didn't want to,... -
出国が明日になりました! もうね、昨日今日は驚くくらい集中して仕事したよ!!笑 あっちでも仕事するスタンスではいるけど、やっぱり出来ればしたくないから出来る限... -
Preparing at a leisurely pace
I realized we are going to be in Australia in 3 days! Fionn just said we have to sleep two more times! I was a little panicked but it's three more days since... -
気づいたらあと3日でオーストラリア! っていうかさっきフィオンがあと2回寝んねだ!って言ってたから焦ったけど日曜発だから3日よね。 この最後の方の1日の違いって...