winter is around the corner…

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All of my friends in the Kanto are on my Insta story, saying;
“It’s cold!” “Winter is here!”” I need a down jacket!”” Hot pot today!”
What’s going on? I thought, It was 12 degrees Celsius during the day! That’s cold.

I remember that temperature because I experienced it recently.
It was like that every morning and evening in Australia where I stayed this summer (it was winter there).

Even in winter, it doesn’t get much colder than that, so in houses over there that don’t have powerful heating systems and have large spaces with stone floors, I had to stay in bed all the time on cold nights because the big air conditioner didn’t warm up the room even if I tried.
That’s the feeling! Yeah, yeah, it’s cold.

But in Kochi, a tropical country, it was cloudy today, but it was 26 to 27 degrees Celsius, and it was totally humid.
Even at night, I was wearing short sleeves with the windows open.
I looked at the weather forecast and wondered if it was going to get cold here, too.

The lowest temperature in Kochi was much higher than the highest temperature in Tokyo tomorrow.
I didn’t know there was such a big difference in temperature.
But it looks like the temperature will be back next week in Tokyo, and it will only be cold today and tomorrow.

I was looking for pictures of the house in winter there, and I found a picture of the kitchen!

Not to continue from yesterday, but COSTCO, Woolworths, and Coles, the supermarkets we often go to in Australia, have a great selection of ingredients and seasonings, so it would be great if we could shop there every day and have a large kitchen.

If possible, I would like to find a plot of land this winter and build a house next year.
I don’t want to be greedy anymore, I just want a plot of land about 350 square meters, and the house doesn’t have to be big, so I hope we can make it happen!

Oh, winter is coming. I’m kind of nervous about it.

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Mummy & Graphic designer

I live in the beautiful prefecture of Kochi, Japan. I’m married to a cheeky Australian and we have an energetic young boy. I’m interested in family time and enjoying nature.



